Monday, November 28, 2011

Better Things

Wow, what a rough week.  My emotions have been all over the place!  I spent most of last week crying, throwing up, and anxiety ridden due to hormones and the normal fears of becoming a new mother and wanting the world for my son.  When I was in my early 20's I hit a couple rough patches and my Dad would always remind me of the Kink's song "Better Things", which always helped.  Clearly this song has been ruminating in my head daily.

My Dad (Papa Bear) and I on Thanksgiving
Though fatigued as all hell, the last couple days have been better.  I went to the doctor today and Odin's position is now centered, just not engaged in my pelvis yet.  This was a huge relief.  Looks like my exercises to move him paid off!  Basically if Odin doesn't make his anticipated appearance by December 12th, we will set up to induce labor that week.

On another note, Dusty found an awesome school that he is interested in attending and we have a meeting with a counselor on Saturday!  Yayyy!  The school is called WyoTech and the campus he would be going to is in Long Beach.  WyoTech offers courses in automotive and motorcycle repair and fabrication, which is something Dusty has wanted to do for quite some time now.  They have specialty classes in welding, pin striping, painting, upholstery, and so many more cool things Dust can get his creative hands on!  I'm actually a little jealous, I would LOVE to go back to school.  I am just keeping my fingers crossed that this school works out and my hardworking husband can finally do something he loves doing (of course his tattooing will always be a passionate hobby).

Dusty's other woman
I am going to try and pull through this last week of work in good spirits and gear up for my sweet angel child and the holidays.  Time to pop in a Christmas movie and light the pine candles!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Disappointing Doctors Appointment

With 2 1/2 weeks until my supposed due date I discovered some disappointing (not necessarily bad) news yesterday.  This little guy has got himself in the oddest spot.  Apparently he is in the oblique position with his head and shoulder resting in my right hip facing out the right side of my body. His back is going up diagonally with his bum and feet in my left ribcage.  Explains all the bizarre pain I have been in and not being able to bend over (so stoked on my full day of work today, sike)! Also explains why I feel his hiccups on my right side toward my back.  Ugg.  This is the stage when you want to hear your doctor say your cervix is ready to go and his head is engaged in your pelvis, instead I get "you're not even close".  Unfortunately this is a dangerous position at this stage of the game and if he doesn't rotate in order to slide down into my pelvis it can lead to a rough delivery which typically results in cesarian section.  I was kind of left in the dark after my appointment, not to mention super discouraged.  I learned some exercises to try and move him, I can only lay/sleep on my left side and boyancy is the best to encourage him off my hip but I don't know of anyone with a luke warm jacuzzi I can float around in.  I stumbled upon this great website that is very educational on babies positions and teaches some amazing stretches and exercises that feel so good!  I am calling my chiropractor today to see if he has any advice and I guess we will just see where Odin is next week.

In other news, two of the most inspirational men/musicians /writers I know of are touring together and will be palying the Juke Joint in Anaheim on December 9th!  Scott Kelly (of Neurosis) and Jay Munly (of Slim Cessnas Auto Club and Munly & The Lupercalians).  Both of these guys have impacted my life greatly and it would be an honor to watch them perform on the same stage in such an intimate venue.  I wonder if I will still be pregnant and able to go....
Scott Kelly

Munly & Cessna

Munly & The Lupercalians

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Things I Miss Dearly

Although this lil' guy I'm baking is the greatest gift I have ever received, after 9 months of my life dramatically changing there are some things I am really beginning to miss.  Once he is here, I'm positive I won't even think about this list, but until he is here, these are what I'm missing.

1. Sleep on my stomach
2. Not have to utilize every toilet I pass
3. Breath
4. Wear my tight high waisted pants and shorts
5. Wear all my platforms
6. Catch a buzz from some nice dark beer
7. Ride free on the back of the motorcycle with my husband

Wow, I sound like an excellent mother haha.
Obviously I am most excited to meet my Odin and spend every waking moment with him until the end of time.

Snap Shots From the Shower

My cousin, Noelle's beautiful mid century home 

Getting all set up

Life long best friends

Aunty KK

The Crazy Aunts

My friends rule

She's going to make my kid a little hellion, I just know it exploded in our room 
Made by my best friend's daughter, Jade

Baby Shower with the salon gals

My beautiful work family, some of the best women in my life

Monday, November 7, 2011


my view every night...edible

Aunty Chowee & Cousin Olive

Odin's Library

Getting the collection of books and cartoons going.  By the way, we love hand me downs (hint hint)!

I may take these words back in the future, but I'm not sure that I want Odin to watch television or have too much computer time as he grows up.  I hate that I am so dependent on technology for entertainment and survival even!  It always saddens me to see parents plop an iPad or portable dvd player on their kids lap just to shut them up.  At least make it a book or coloring pad!  From my personal experience, I notice technology affecting my ability to focus or stay engaged in a project or activity.  Imagine what this does for young kids, let alone adults who should have more self discipline.  Just walking at night I notice T.V.'s flashing in every room of every house.  It really is depressing and I feel that it would be beneficial for my new little family to get back to our roots and cut back on the negative stimulation.  I'm sticking to vintage cartoons and old movies for the time being.  We will see how that plays out. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blustery Day

Today I had the privilege of witnessing the famous celebrity hair stylists Allen Edwards and Daven Mayeda in action.  Daven was cute as a button.  He was so real and had great style.  Not to mention he cracked me up with his honesty in creating hair styles and making mistakes. I cannot believe the work this guy can do with a couple hair pieces and no styling tools!  I learned a great deal today and was inspired to keep moving forward in my career.
Daven Mayeda

Yes!  Finally some chilly weather.  I just got home from the hair demo and I am so happy to be cuddled up with the Zoes listening to Earth and the sweet sound of rain.  Odin is finally resting now that I am stretched out and laying down.  He was REAL mad at me sitting in class all day, poor lil' guy is so squished!

my point of view

36 weeks

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Welp, I started my weekly doc appointments today.  Looks like I'm in the final countdown!  Doc says everything looks great.  Odin is head down, strong heartbeat, and an estimated 5 pounds or so.  If I were to go into labor now he would be absolutely fine, but let's cook him a little longer just to be safe.  However, I'm not going to lie, I totally wouldn't mind having him now.  I am so irritable, uncomfortable, and emotional.  I can't talk and breath at the same time I get so out of breath haha.  Poor Dusty.  Man, now I understand why women go on maternity leave, this is going to be a SUCKY booked month at the salon.  Not to mention I booked clients the week of Christmas, like if I had him on schedule I was going to only take 2 weeks off.  WHAT WAS I THINKING???  Every time I get a call or a text from a client I just want to cry.  I need to remember that I'm blessed to have business, and it's all for the little man.  Here I thought I was super woman, turns out I'm a big wimp.  

This little thing cheers me up really quick though.  She loves when I dump warm laundry fresh from the dryer on the bed, but in this situation I was lagging so she figured out her own way to nuzzle in it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Prego Lifesavers

This song can turn my tears and rage into smiles and joy in no time.  My lil' ode to Odi.

Leachco Snoogle Body Pillow

That funny looking, absurdly large pillow was handed down to me from a friend and let me tell you, it was a godsend.  Even Dusty and Zoey love it!  We can totally all snuggle with it at the same time and be so comfy.

I have to say, almond milk has been my hugest prego craving.  I have to have it in everything.  I love it in my coffee, granola, oatmeal, smoothies, protein shakes, and obviously just by itself.  Almond milk is so great because it has much more calcium than cow's milk and way less calories.  It also contains potassium and magnesium which is great help for those terrible leg cramps.

I always used coconut oil as a butter replacement in the kitchen, but now I butter up with it after my bath and it soothes my itchy buddha belly from that terrible tight feeling.  Even though I feel like a giant greasy coconut when I hop into bed, I can't go without it.  Pure comfort giver.

For some reason this pregnancy, I find myself constantly biting my lips, they get so dry and cracked.  Labello makes my lips happy, it is seriously so smooth!  I am totally addicted.  This chapstick was derived in Germany in the early 1900's and it is so hard to find.  The only place I can find that carries it is TipTop Meats in Carlsbad, where I stock up on other yummy goodies as well.