With 2 1/2 weeks until my supposed due date I discovered some disappointing (not necessarily bad) news yesterday. This little guy has got himself in the oddest spot. Apparently he is in the oblique position with his head and shoulder resting in my right hip facing out the right side of my body. His back is going up diagonally with his bum and feet in my left ribcage. Explains all the bizarre pain I have been in and not being able to bend over (so stoked on my full day of work today, sike)! Also explains why I feel his hiccups on my right side toward my back. Ugg. This is the stage when you want to hear your doctor say your cervix is ready to go and his head is engaged in your pelvis, instead I get "you're not even close". Unfortunately this is a dangerous position at this stage of the game and if he doesn't rotate in order to slide down into my pelvis it can lead to a rough delivery which typically results in cesarian section. I was kind of left in the dark after my appointment, not to mention super discouraged. I learned some exercises to try and move him, I can only lay/sleep on my left side and boyancy is the best to encourage him off my hip but I don't know of anyone with a luke warm jacuzzi I can float around in. I stumbled upon this great website http://www.spinningbabies.com/ that is very educational on babies positions and teaches some amazing stretches and exercises that feel so good! I am calling my chiropractor today to see if he has any advice and I guess we will just see where Odin is next week.
In other news, two of the most inspirational men/musicians /writers I know of are touring together and will be palying the Juke Joint in Anaheim on December 9th! Scott Kelly (of Neurosis) and Jay Munly (of Slim Cessnas Auto Club and Munly & The Lupercalians). Both of these guys have impacted my life greatly and it would be an honor to watch them perform on the same stage in such an intimate venue. I wonder if I will still be pregnant and able to go....
Scott Kelly
Munly & Cessna
Munly & The Lupercalians
Aww, damn Carli girl! This made me so bummed out to read. At this point in our pregnancy, the last thing you want to hear is that something is slowing down the delivery process. I know for myself Im having a really hard time holding it together. I cant help but feel cranky and annoyed that Im this large and that hes not here yet. It sounds lames because I am SO goddamn thankful for him but I think Its way normal to be feeling like this. Anyways I know baby Odin will move and have a speedy delivery! Stay positive and move that baby around :)