Wow, what a rough week. My emotions have been all over the place! I spent most of last week crying, throwing up, and anxiety ridden due to hormones and the normal fears of becoming a new mother and wanting the world for my son. When I was in my early 20's I hit a couple rough patches and my Dad would always remind me of the Kink's song "Better Things", which always helped. Clearly this song has been ruminating in my head daily.
My Dad (Papa Bear) and I on Thanksgiving |
Though fatigued as all hell, the last couple days have been better. I went to the doctor today and Odin's position is now centered, just not engaged in my pelvis yet. This was a huge relief. Looks like my exercises to move him paid off! Basically if Odin doesn't make his anticipated appearance by December 12th, we will set up to induce labor that week.
On another note, Dusty found an awesome school that he is interested in attending and we have a meeting with a counselor on Saturday! Yayyy! The school is called WyoTech and the campus he would be going to is in Long Beach. WyoTech offers courses in automotive and motorcycle repair and fabrication, which is something Dusty has wanted to do for quite some time now. They have specialty classes in welding, pin striping, painting, upholstery, and so many more cool things Dust can get his creative hands on! I'm actually a little jealous, I would LOVE to go back to school. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that this school works out and my hardworking husband can finally do something he loves doing (of course his tattooing will always be a passionate hobby).
Dusty's other woman |
I am going to try and pull through this last week of work in good spirits and gear up for my sweet angel child and the holidays. Time to pop in a Christmas movie and light the pine candles!
I thought about you and baby O a lot this week. Good news all around!